Coronavirus: Clear emergency accommodation and Direct Provision centres


“An immediate measure to reduce the death toll from Covid-19 is to requisition vacant dwellings to stop an accelerated spread of infection due to overcrowded emergency homeless accommodation and Direct Provision centres”, says Paul Murphy TD.

“It is simply not possible to socially distance effectively in homeless hubs and Direct Provision centres. The spread of infection between families in overcrowded houses and amongst the 10,000 people in emergency accommodation can be slowed by moving families out of overcrowded buildings into the almost-empty hotels and other vacant dwellings. The same should be done with over 7,000 people crammed into Direct Provision.

“Housing Minister Eoghan Murphy should introduce emergency powers to requisition vacant accommodation during this crisis and take urgent action. Councils should be given emergency funding to recruit staff and bring empty houses promptly back into use.

“The government's suggestion in relation to Direct Provision centres that it will pilot an off-site isolation area is entirely inadequate. It's a cruel abrogation of the state's responsibility to protect people at increased risk of dying from Covid-19, since 20% of those in DP have underlying illnesses. People need to be cleared out of these centres, where it is simply not possible to practice the necessary social distancing.”


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