3 - Biden Wins, Leo Leaks, Corbyn Suspended and more
This week Paul, Nicole and new panelist Michael discuss what has been a news-filled few weeks. We talk about the joy of seeing Trump get the boot, and how the underwhelming performance of Biden highlights the need for a left and socialist opposition. Michael brings us up to speed on events in South America, where an attempted coup in Bolivia got rebuffed by an electoral victory for MAS, and we talk about the scandalous suspension of Corbyn from the UK Labour Party. And finally, we delve into the scandal of Varadkar leaking confidential information to his friends and political allies, and what it tells us about politics in ireland.
This week we also recorded our first eve bonus b-side chat for our supporters on Partreon, to get access to that and support the podcast join the community at https://patreon.com/ruptureradio sign up this week to get a free podcast sticker
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Paul's article on Leo the Leak https://villagemagazine.ie/leo-varadkar-must-go/
Article from Catalyst on the end of 'Progressive Neoliberalism' in Latin America https://catalyst-journal.com/vol4/no2/the-end-of-progressive-neoliberalism
Video with David Greaeber on 'The Weaponisation of Labour Antisemitism' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6oOj7BzciA
Episode of 'Bad Faith' podcast discussing the US election result https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9iYWRmYWl0aC5saWJzeW4uY29tL3Jzcw/episode/OTgxZjRiY2QtNjg3Mi00NTdjLWI3NmEtODBjM2M1NmY1ZTdk?hl=en-IE&ved=2ahUKEwj937ns2_HsAhWloXEKHZfqDCUQjrkEegQIBRAL&ep=6